Peer review process

  • Manuscripts submitted for publication will undergo a refereeing process. In order to get the manuscript reviewed by a referee, the manuscript will be sent to the Chief Editor of IJoLLT.
  • Authors have to ensure that the manuscripts have never been published or is in a process for publication with any other journal.
  • The Chief Editor will decide whether the manuscript corresponds to the objectives and scope of the journal before authorising the manuscript to be reviewed. If the manuscript does not meet the criteria set by the journal, it will be rejected and the author will be informed of the Chief Editor’s decision.
  • If the manuscript meets the criteria, the Chief Editor will appoint two referees to review it.
  • IJoLLT follows a double-blind peer review process. This process is done by peer-reviewers who specialise in the field.
  • The referees will be given a review form to guide the evaluation process.
  • The latest version of the manuscript should be submitted by the author after the amendments are completed.
  • The decision to reject a manuscript, inform the author to revise the manuscript, or accept the manuscript as it is will be made by the Chief Editor and Managing Editor.
  • The Chief Editor will then send the revised version to one of the referees to check whether their comments are taken into account for improvement.
  • The Chief Editor will consult the editorial board to either accept or reject the manuscript for publication.